Computer Related / Condensed Matter / History / etc.

The Boolean Circuit and Electronic Logic, Part 1

Living in a vacuum sucks. ~Adrienne E. Gusoff This is the third part in my multi-part series on how computers work. Computers are thinking machines, but they can’t do this on their own. We need to teach them how to think. And for this, we need a language of logic. In the first part of the series, I introduced this language of logic, Boolean algebra. In the second part, I described how to formulate complex logical statements using Boolean algebra. Now, in part three, I lay the groundwork for how we can implement simple Boolean logic using electronics. In

Condensed Matter / optics / Physics / etc.

The Graphene Electro-Optic Modulator

Say we have a beam of light—maybe we made it with a laser. We’d like be able to change the intensity of the beam so that we can alternately brighten and dim it. Moreover, we’d like to be able to do so quickly. Physically blocking and unblocking the beam just isn’t fast enough. So what do we do? The solution is to make an electric switch so we can change how the light behaves via electrical signals. This is an electro-optic modulator (EOM). Two weeks ago, I introduced graphene to you all. And last week, I described some of

Condensed Matter / optics / Physics / etc.

Graphene and Me: My Brush with the Wonder Material

Graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, has made waves in science and technology circles. Last week, I gave a brief overview of the history of the stuff and why it’s special. This week, I’d like to continue the story by talking about applications. Unfortunately for us—and fortunately for society as a whole—graphene has spawned so many new technologies that it’s impossible for me to discuss them all. So instead, I thought I’d talk a single application that has personal value to me. As an undergraduate student, I spent two years in a laser lab studying graphene’s applications

Condensed Matter / optics / Physics / etc.

Graphene: The Story of the Wonder Material

I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space. ~A. Square In the past few years, you’ve probably heard something about graphene—whether as a replacement for silicon, as the next generation of organic solar cell, as the material in fast-charging batteries, or as one of the strongest materials ever discovered. There’s been so much hype that people have begun calling the flood of research and investment the graphene gold rush. In this post, I’ll give you a brief primer

Condensed Matter / cosmology / Physics / etc.

BICEP2, Primordial Gravity Waves, and Cosmic Inflation

“Like the microscopic strands of DNA that predetermine the identity of a macroscopic species and the unique properties of its members, the modern look and feel of the cosmos was writ in the fabric of its earliest moments, and carried relentlessly through time and space. We feel it when we look up. We feel it when we look down. We feel it when we look within.” ~Niel Degrasse Tyson There was some very big news today! If you haven’t already heard, the BICEP2 research group at Harvard has found evidence of ancient gravitational waves in the sky. A lot

Condensed Matter / Physics / Quantum Mechanics / etc.

How Things Work: The Field Effect Transistor

I don’t know how to do this on a small scale in a practical way, but I do know that computing machines are very large; they fill rooms. Why can’t we make them very small, make them of little wires, little elements – and by little, I mean little. ~Richard Feynman (1959) As of 2012, the highest transistor count in a commercially available CPU is over 2.5 billion transistors. ~Wikipedia In my article on quantum tunneling, I mistakenly claimed that diodes and transistors made use of this phenomenon. In an effort to correct my mistake, I’m going to explain

Condensed Matter / Physics / Science And Math

Superconductors and the Valence Band

In the comments for my last post, Hamilton asked the following question: What does the band structure for a superconductor look like? I’m not an expert on this topic,  but I thought I’d share what I know. Take it with a grain of salt. I also wanted to warn you all that my site will be going down for maintenance this Sunday. I apologize for the inconvenience. I don’t know if this will affect my regular Sunday post. The current most popular theory of superconductors is BCS theory, which is incomplete. BCS theory says that at extremely low temperatures,

Condensed Matter / Physics / Quantum Mechanics / etc.

I’m With the (Valence) Band: Band Structure and the Science of Conduction

It was not so very long ago that people thought that semiconductors were part-time orchestra leaders and microchips were very, very small snack foods. ~Geraldine A. Ferraro More is different. ~Philip Warren Anderson Metals conduct electricity. Nonmetals don’t. That’s the conventional wisdom, anyway. In truth, there is a third class of material, called semiconductors. A semiconductor sometimes conducts electricity and sometimes doesn’t. This week, we’ll learn precisely what a semiconductor is and how the forces of quantum mechanics determine whether a material is a conductor, an insulator, or a semiconductor. More is Different Nobel laureate Philip Warren Anderson said